Spanish Omelet

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This is the deal. When I’m feeling homesick, having a bad day or just because it’s Thursday and that means is Omelet day, this is my go-to recipe. This is the most uplifting thing I’ve every had.

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So traditional and so tasty, you feel (back) in Spain in just a second. It requires quite a bit of olive oil, the freshest of ingredients and it might take a while, but it’s so simple and worth it. One can say that each family has its own recipe and some even consider some things heresy (i.e. boiling the potatoes, chicken broth).

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This is my family’s recipe, with browned fried potatoes, lots of eggs and if you leave it on the runny side, you’ll be in heaven. Enjoy!

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Spanish Omelet

  • Servings: 6-8
  • Difficulty: medium
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6-7 yellow potatoes and sliced (about 1/8 inch)
6 jumbo eggs
1 onion (medium-big, sliced in half moons)
1 tbls Salt
1 cup olive oil

1. Heat the olive oil in a 12 inch pan. When hot, add the sliced potatoes, the onions and 1/2 tbls of salt. Fry for about 40-50 min, until some of the potatoes are brown and stick to the bottom of the pan. I like this omelet without whole potato pieces, so once the potatoes start to brown, I smash them with a wooden spoon into chunks, almost like a fried purée. Taste the salt, it should be salty. If it’s not salty, add salt and cook for at least 5 more minutes.
2. Drain the olive oil surplus tilting the pan for about 5 minutes. Transfer that oil to a cup.
3. Beat the eggs until foamy and mix in the potatoes and onions. Let sit for 4 to 10 minutes.
5. The potatoes should have absorbed the eggs, but the mixture should still be runny. If not, add another egg.
6. Heat on medium-high about 1 to 2 tablespoons of the olive oil surplus in the pan again, only to lightly cover the pan, pour the omelet mixture and spread it to make it round. Then cook for about 4 to 6 minutes. It will be ready to flip once the side is browned.
7. Here comes the difficult part. Take an 11 inch flat plate and cover the raw part. Take the pan out of the stove top (if it’s your first time, do it over a bowl, just in case) and flip it. Carefully slide the omelet back to the pan and cook for about 4 more minutes or until desired doneness. Serve while still hot and enjoy!

P.S.: It’s also (or even more!) delicious the day after.